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Treating stretch marks

What is stretch mark?

Stretch marks or striae (striae distensae) are line-shaped skin defects that occur when the subcutaneous connective tissue is pulled apart by rapid growth of the body part in question. It is quite common during pregnancy or in bodybuilders.

The connective tissue is torn subcutaneously by excessive tension, which is not painful, but does result in purple-red streaks that turn into white after some years scars transmit. The stripes are usually somewhat zigzaggy but run roughly parallel to each other and to the body axes.

striae-treatment-skin laser cliniczeeland

Can this be treated?

In fact, stretch marks are always 'just' a cosmetic problem. Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment and stretch marks never disappear. Fortunately, over time (years) stretch marks become less visible as they slowly lose their distinctive red or reddish-brown colour. Unfortunately, because people often find stretch marks an annoying problem, they are all too often lured into buying all kinds of expensive ointments and other pointless treatments from quacks.

At our clinic, you can treat stretch marks by means of a microneedling treatment or RRS® skin boosters.
