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Vascular disorders

What vascular disorders do we treat?

- rosacea
- Spider naevi
- Senile angiomas / cherry spots
- Rosacea

couperose skin laser cliniczeeland

What is rosacea?

Couperose is the proliferation of widening vessels on the face, which may be red and/or blue in colour. The vessels usually occur on cheeks, nose and chin and sometimes on the neck or décolleté.

It usually occurs in white-skinned people from the age of 30. It is more common in women than in men.

How does this increase in vessels occur?

It occurs because the superficial veins in the skin have become weaker after which they have started to dilate. The burst vessels have various causes such as, heredity, skin type, alcohol consumption and smoking. Some medicines, excessive sun exposure and temperature changes (freezing cold or sauna visits) can also aggravate rosacea.

What treatments are available with us for rosacea?

What is spider naevi?

A spider naevus (also called "spider", pronounced in English) is a common harmless vascular disorder of the skin. They can occur as early as childhood and often they usually disappear spontaneously after puberty. About 40% of all pregnant women get one or more spiders in the skin; most of these disappear again spontaneously after childbirth.

Spiders, in combination with a number of other symptoms, can also occur in patients with liver disease ("liver cirrhosis") or thyroid dysfunction (hyperthryroidism).

A spider naevus is caused by a localised dilation of a small skin vessel. Hormonal factors are thought to play a major role in this.

What treatments are available with us for spider naevi?

What is senile angioma?

Senile angiomas or also called blood blisters are common harmless skin manifestations. During the teenage years, they can already occur and with age, the number will increase. It is thus considered an ageing symptom of the skin. Other names are angioma senilis, ruby spots, cherry angiomas, cherry spots or cherry warts.

How do these swell lines arise?

They result from a localised increase in small but severely dilated vessels in the skin. There is no infection or malignancy.

These can be treated the same as spider naevi.

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a common chronic, non-infectious skin condition of the face. Often with the feature of bright red discolouration especially of the cheeks and nose. Rosacea literally means "red as a rose". The condition can resemble acne. Rosacea occurs later in life, usually between the ages of 30 and 50 and mostly in women.

How does rosacea develop?

Exactly how rosacea develops is unknown, although heredity does seem to play a role. There has also long been speculation about the role of demodex mites in causing rosacea.

Rosacea is most often seen in people from north-western Europe, especially in English, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, Belgian and French.

The characteristic small capillaries on the cheeks (teleangiectasias) is known as rosacea. Rosacea can be accompanied by pimples and is therefore sometimes called acne rosacea, even though it has little to do with acne.

What treatments are available with us for rosacea?
