What is an abdominoplasty?
A tummy tuck is an additional procedure that involves removing skin and fat from the abdominal wall (mini-abdominoplasty). In extensive cases, the navel is also removed (abdominoplasty). Sagging skin is almost always the result of severe slimming or after one or more pregnancies (elasticity reduction of the skin) .
What to consider beforehand
The doctor will ask general questions regarding your health and any medication. In consultation with the plastic surgeon, it will be determined whether a tummy tuck is the ideal procedure for you. The plastic surgeon will decide together with you and will inform you about the realistic results to be expected.
A tummy tuck is quite invasive. Smokers are particularly at risk of complications. Therefore, we very implicitly ask you to stop smoking at least one month before the operation.
What kind of anaesthesia is applied
If the areas to be treated are not too large, a mini-abdominoplasty can proceed under local anaesthesia (whether or not combined with local sedation - intoxication).Extensive abdominoplasties are performed under full anaesthesia by a registered anaesthetist; he or she works only with the latest equipment and short-acting anaesthetic products, which means you wake up quickly and almost never feel nauseous afterwards. You are expected at the clinic one hour before the procedure. On the advice of the plastic surgeon and anaesthetist, you can leave the clinic a few hours after the operation.
The operation
Through an incision just above the pubic hair (bikini line), the doctor loosens the abdominal skin and fat layer from the muscle layer. If necessary, he loosens the navel. The doctor removes the excess skin and fat and pulls down the skin layer. Are the abdominal muscles too weak? Then he strengthens them at the midline. Then he reposition the navel. The surgeon usually places one or two drains. These are tubes that drain the fluid and can be taken out after just a few days.
The first days after surgery
You will be given a firm elastic pant after surgery to fix the loosened skin on the underlying muscle layer and prevent swelling. The trousers will be worn day and night for 3 weeks and only at night for 3 weeks. For the first 10 days after surgery, you will need to walk or stand with a slight curve to relieve the wound edges. This position should also be maintained at night, i.e. elevate your legs and upper body. The stitches in the navel are removed 1 week after the operation, and the other stitches 3 weeks after the operation. It may take several weeks to months after the tummy tuck before you feel like your 'old self' again. Depending on their condition prior to surgery, most people can return to work two weeks after surgery. Exercising carefully will help your recovery. Scars will appear worse for the first three to six months. This is normal. It may take one to two years for the scar to become flatter and lighter in colour. Scars will never disappear completely.