What is liposuction?
The amount of fat cells in your body does not change once you turn three. When you thicken, they increase in volume and when you lose weight, they shrink. A problem area sometimes refuses to adapt to the new shape of your body. Liposuction or liposculpture fixes that problem area, with lasting results. Because you no longer create new fat cells. Liposuction is possible up to the age of 50. After that, a lifting of the skin is probably also necessary, because it is less elastic. This is also the case after extreme slimming.

The operation
If the areas to be treated are not too large, the procedure can proceed under local anaesthesia (with or without local sedation). More extensive liposuctions are best performed under general anaesthesia . This is carried out by a qualified anaesthetist, using the latest equipment and short-acting anaesthetic products, so you wake up quickly and almost never feel nauseous afterwards.
The surgeon first infiltrates the problem area with saline, analgesic and haemostatic agents. Through an incision of less than a centimetre, he inserts a fine tube. This is how he sucks out the excess fat.
The zones that are possible
Liposuction is possible in several areas. Namely chin, breasts, thighs, abdomen, buttocks, hips, back, arms, legs.