Pubic lip reduction
What is labia reduction?
Although excessively large labia minora do not generally cause any hindrance to sexual activity, they are often a source of psychosocial annoyance. For example, labia that are too large can be seen in bikini bottoms, causing restrictions for the woman, for example in swimming pool or beach visits. During cycling, too large small labia can cause pain on the saddle.

The operation
This procedure can be done under general or local anaesthesia. General anaesthesia is performed by a qualified anaesthetist, using the latest equipment and short-acting anaesthetic products that allow you to wake up quickly and almost never feel nauseous afterwards. In case of local anaesthesia (whether or not combined with local sedation - intoxication), only the labia minora are injected with an anaesthetic solution. This can be painful. Hypersensitive women are better off opting for a full anaesthetic in this case.
In a labia reduction, the surgeon uses a zigzag incision. He then removes the excess mucosa and sutures the wound with threads that digest on their own. By using a zigzag method, there is very little chance of the scar contracting.

The first days after surgery
Immediately after the procedure, you should wear tight trousers with sanitary pads. You will then be accompanied home, so do not drive yourself. At home, you should place an ice pack in a flannel against the sanitary pad for two hours. You will be given an ice pack for travelling. The day after the procedure you may take a sitting bath and then pat the labia dry and apply Vaseline or lannette cream with 30% Vaseline.
The result
Satisfaction with this rather minor procedure is generally high. The maturation process of the scars takes six months to a year as with any wound and scar.