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Forehead lift

What is a forehead lift?

The forehead lift is a surgical treatment. During this procedure, we correct wrinkles and excess skin on the forehead. Many people who suffer from overhanging upper eyelids actually suffer from low-hanging eyebrows, called ptosis of the eyebrows. To find out whether there is ptosis of the eyebrows, one can take a simple test.

Stand in front of the mirror and assess whether the eyebrows are below or on the bone edge of the eye socket. If the eyebrows lie below this edge, then the eyebrows are too low. The patient often experiences symptoms such as feeling tired and looking against the skin under the eyebrows. A forehead lift has a definite rejuvenating aspect

forehead-lift-hide laser cliniczeeland


In an endoscopic forehead lift, the excess skin is removed from the forehead to the back of the head. The plastic surgeon makes several small incisions in the hairy scalp and loosens the periosteum, incises it below the level of the eyebrows and at the sides, and lifts it all like a 'u' to the back of the head. The procedure is performed using an endoscope. An endoscope is a small tube with light, camera and magnifying glass. In this way, the plastic surgeon can very precisely loosen the bone membrane under the muscles of the forehead and spare the sensory nerves.

Once the plastic surgeon tightens the bone membrane, the eyebrows lift with it and are reattached at a natural, proper height. The bone membrane has to grow back into place for a final result. To fix this, the specialist uses sutures that he passes through a dissolvable screw, or through two bone holes.

The scars consist of a number of small one-centimetre incisions in the hairline. Two at the level of the temple, two on either side and one in the middle of the forehead. The hair does not need to be shaved off for this. The excess skin is not cut away with an endoscopic forehead lift, but is pushed backwards over the hairy scalp and this then draws away on its own after a few weeks. The hairline can be shifted back about two to three centimetres by this method. Thus, the forehead becomes slightly higher or longer, which is why this method is especially suitable for patients with shorter foreheads.

The procedure can also be applied to balding people because the scars are so small. Besides restoring the eyebrows to their correct height, the skin of the forehead is tightened and smoothed by this method. The endoscopic brow lift takes about one to two hours and takes place in day surgery, under general anaesthesia.

The anaesthetic

A traditional forehead lift involves lifting the skin of the forehead and eyebrows, separately from the forehead muscle. In this case, the plastic surgeon does remove excess skin, keeping the forehead the same or shortening it. This method is therefore suitable for people with a slightly longer or higher forehead. However, this method does result in a larger scar in the hairy part of the forehead. This scar is not visible because the hair falls over it. But for balding people, this method is therefore not so suitable. The traditional brow lift takes about one to two hours and takes place in day treatment, under general anaesthesia.
