Eyelid surgery
What is eyelid surgery
Eyelid surgery (eye lift) is an operation where excess skin and swelling of both the upper and lower eyelids can be corrected.
For whom.
If you have too much skin near the eyelids or if they appear swollen for no immediate reason, this gives a tired look. An eyelid correction (eye lift) can give you back a fresher look. In severe cases, the skin of the upper eyelid may even droop in front of the pupil, causing visual field obstruction. Even then, an eyelid correction can correct this problem. Huid en Laserkliniek Zeeland will be happy to help you with an eyelid correction and/or eye lift. We have branches in Terneuzen, Goes and Sluis. These branches are about a 30-minute drive from cities like Vlissingen and Middelburg.
When not suitable
At the consultation, I will always check whether the appearance of the eyelids is purely a result of ageing. If the muscles of the eyelids do not function properly, this sometimes gives a similar appearance, but the treatment is different. Sometimes eyelid swelling can have an allergic cause. In patients with rather small cheekbones, one will often notice bags under the eyes at a young age. Here, too, a classic eyelid correction will often not have the desired result, or even worsen the problems. Finally, it should be noted that drooping eyebrows are not improved with an eyelid correction. However, this can be improved with a forehead lift.
The intervention
An upper eyelid correction is usually performed under local anaesthesia. For a lower eyelid correction, general anaesthesia is often preferred, although it is also possible under local anaesthesia. The incision is made in the upper eyelid in the crease and in the lower eyelid just below the eyelashes. This is to aim for a virtually invisible scar. During the procedure, excess skin is removed. Sometimes excess muscle and fat tissue is also removed. Sagging structures are tightened and bulging fatty tissue can be used to fill the groove of the lower eyelid.
Advantages and disadvantages
It is not uncommon to experience swelling and blueing of the skin for about two weeks. This will disappear by itself. It is also possible that the wounds will bleed afterwards. Infection of the wounds is extremely rare. Irritation of the eyeball and eyelashes may manifest as a gritty feeling, red flushed eyes and some pus discharge. Small white dots may sometimes form on the scar. A slight asymmetry is possible. In exceptional cases, it is not possible to close the eyes completely and additional surgery may be necessary to prevent permanent damage to the conjunctiva. The lower eyelid may be pulled down and sometimes stand away from the eyeball. Blindness is an extremely rare complication.
Questions about eyelid surgery, eye lifts in Zeeland?
Contact Huid en Laserkliniek Zeeland, our advisers in the Terneuzen, Goes and Sluis branches will be happy to help you. Thanks to our good reputation and experience, we have been helping people from Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, Middelburg, Vlissingen and Belgium to Rotterdam for many years.